About Us

Our Team

Rayhan Zirvi

Rayhan Zirvi, Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Rayhan Zirvi is a freshman at Caltech who is passionate about helping others learn about computer science and AI. He has qualified for the USACO Platinum division, reached Master on Codeforces, qualified for AIME twice, and placed 11th in the US at Google Kick Start. He has partnered with The Education Project By Humanity First USA and Ayesha Ali Academy to develop their AI curriculum and teach through instructional web seminars. He also served as a director for Howard County Hour of Code, where he raised over $20,000 in sponsorships, directed content, and outreached to schools. In his free time, he enjoys watching the NBA, playing basketball, and playing golf.

Saketh Sundar

Saketh Sundar, Founder

Saketh Sundar is a freshman at Harvard interested in the intersection of computational sciences with other fields within STEM. He is involved in multiple STEM extracurricular activities at school and holds leadership positions in Science Olympiad, Maryland Technology Honor Society, and AI Club. His research interests are in applying machine learning methods to environmental and medical science problems, and he has pursued these through a variety of different research internships. In his free time, Saketh enjoys watching football and movies.

William Zhong

William Zhong, Chief Operating Officer

William Zhong is a senior at River Hill High School. He is co-president of his school's AI/Machine Learning club and qualified for AIME twice. His interests involve applying machine learning to understand more about our world and improve society through health care and astronomy which he has pursued through various research internships. In his free time, William enjoys watching soccer, drawing, and expanding his LEGO Speed Champions collection.

Benjamin Li

Benjamin Li, Chief Technology Officer

Benjamin Li is a senior at River Hill High School. He holds leadership positions in his school’s AI/ML and programming clubs. He is a four time AIME qualifier and was an intern at the JHU Applied Physics Lab doing work for machine vision and object recognition. Benjamin’s research interests include studying artificial and biological neural networks. In his free time he likes to fence, play piano, connect with nature, and travel with his friends and family.

Nathan Zhong

Nathan Zhong, Outreach Director

Nathan Zhong is a senior at River Hill High School. He is the co-president of his school's programming club and co-coaches his middle school math team. Nathan has also participated in a variety of community service events and nonprofits, hoping to utilize his experiences to better promote passion for AI in the community. In his free time, Nathan loves playing basketball and exploring the intersections between AI and public health.

Danial Zirvi

Danial Zirvi, Content Director

Danial Zirvi is a junior at River Hill High School. He is an active member of his school's programming and AI clubs. He has an interest in computer science, especially in robotics and control theory. In his free time, he likes to play the piano and practice karate.